Today 29/11/2007 -
I understand that ISC, ex-IMPEX, now has a diferent name InventHelp and operates in UK
WATCH OUT FOR and don’t give ANY money to
ITE Ireland - as condemned by BBC TV money programme & BBC Watchdog
ISC Inventions Submission Corp USA.
DO NOT waste your time or money on INPEX - they are effectively ISC and, in my opinion
(because I fell for it),
the so called Inventions Show in Pittsburgh USA has NO value
NESTA? Want a percentage part of you and your Invention just in case you have something and the money they MAY eventually give you is not their money anyway, IT’S YOURS
In the Daily Mirror p16, Friday 27th April 2001
("Sorted" by Penman & Greenwood, )
the following companies were referred to as "parasites":
"ISC Invention Submission Corporation",
"International Technology Exchange",
"International Product Design", and
"Patent Trademark Institute of America".
These companies are reported to have taken thousands from unwary inventors, promising huge profits but actually doing nothing apart from generating paperwork.