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Prof. Andrew Self 17/8/2004 A prime mover in the failed BIS.

(I am proud to say "I Killed THE BIS")

I do not like the guy but he gave me this good bit of wisdom.

Find the gap in the market BUT Be sure there is a market in the gap

Merlyn "UNLESS you have the ways and means to create the market."



Merlyn 1996

Do your extensive market research first.

Identify and arrange appointmens with a few product Champions who WILL want your product.

ONLY THEN (and just before the first appointment) FILE your patent.



Merlyn 1996

A patent application is a valuable secret & you are entitled to be paid for sight of its contents - before it is published

Colin Smith 1993 R.I.P. (10 two letter words say it ALL)

If - It - Is - To - Be ----- It - Is - Up - To - Me.



Merlyn 1996

A patent application is a valuable secret and you are entitled to be paid for sight of its contents - before it is published



Fire Trace Dave 1995

If you have a good idea in the bath! Hold your head under the water until it goes away



Merlyn 1997

STRIVE to make your Invention. PUT money INTO your pocket without taking ANY money OUT



Margaret Farwell 2000

Don’t take anyone at face value – be suspicious, mistrust everyone until YOU confirm otherwise



Merlyn 1996

Invariably your INVENTION is not worth as much as the market you have identified.