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Green Tree Frog


Salt Water Crocodile


Tasmanian Devil



Products and methods to obtain a trace of the many different animals is
As you can appreciate, on-going.
You and we will develop many other methods.

Special non-conductive material must be used and connections must be inert.

Many animals can be done with standard mats on sale here.

Small is good for small animals like cats - dogs - rabbits - including exotics of similar size

PickUp-Pads s

Small-Green £45

Small-Black £45


Medium is good for medium size animals including Horses - Cows - including exotics of similar size

PickUp-Pads m

Medium-Green £75

Medium-Black £75




Custom sizes made to order request a quote

We have very inventive staff available to design and develop bespoke equipment for any situation
Ring or email for commissions details



Thanks to West Midlands Safari Park