
Robert  MERLYN Farwell  
PIElectronics .co.uk
Pionering Inventions & Electronics
I have been called a
but  without Me and a few Others like me what would the

Walking on water and Helium Arias


I am a very busy guy and although when you have a look Around
you will realise it is a fun place to visit
TO ME the content is VERY IMPORTANT  and
is actually a MATTER OF FACT - CAMALOT CASTLE is a reality
You came here by WWW. (I say it stands for Wizards World of Wonder)       
So you did not see the Outside, you could take a look at part of a video            
 Click Yellow wiz at the bottom
This site is a true reflection on a lot of what I have done in my life and the many lessons I have had,
 It has taken me a lifetime to get the info contained within Camalot SO don’t expect to take it all in in 5mins.
The stories  include :-

*        £3.750.000.oo per year royalty stolen by Black & Decker.
*        Potential £10.000.000.oo royalty p y. sitting on the shelf waiting.
*        Make  a jumbo jet into a STEALTH  Aircraft for around £25
*        (non-invasive monitoring of human body functions)
*        Can a 4 stroke internal combustion engine be 95% efficient?

YES IT CAN Watch the press SOON!!

OOPS, got to go now the dragon has come back from work (that’s Margaret my wife
(she is older than me but she don’t look it..  there is a photo around here somewhere))
My  6 Apprentices below are Dedicated to specific jobs
find the MUSEUM (a Most INTERESTING place) and hidden tea rooms!!


This WebSite finally updated 21/9/2007


E&OE Dyslexic
DYSLEXIC = I R.M.Farwell have been assessed to have a number of dyslexic traits that give rise to problems when compiling letters. Punctuation, spelling words, and selecting the correct words from a spell chequer is sometimes a problem and may unintentionally offend. It has been known to give much hilarity in some cases and create problems in others, for example I have dispatched letters using wrong words: - Prepaid / Prepared - Probably / Properly - Suicide/ Subsidised – Weary / Wary,

“I am weary of giving full answers” - “I am wary of giving full answers”
“you Properly think me a dickhead” - you Probably think me a dickhead”
“I have prepaid the patent” – ““I have prepared the patent”
“Exhibition stands at Suicide rates” - “Exhibition stands at Subsidised rates”
“Spiking to stop pigeons Rusting” - “Spiking to stop pigeons Roosting”
All Mussels of the body - All Muscles of the body
So you must allow latitude.